When I first began suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, one of the scariest sensations I came across was that of unreality/depersonalization/derealization. Of course, I had never heard these terms at that time, and had no idea what the problem was (actually thought I was going CRAZY!). This excerpt is from mc2method.com/anxiety - I think some of you will find it useful if you're experiencing such sensations: "Do you sometimes feel like you or your environment are unreal? Or that there is a disconnect between the two? This dreamlike sensation can be rather disturbing, especially if you interpret it to be the onset of serious mental illness. However, it is much more likely that what you're experiencing is the common anxiety sensation of unreality, often referred to as depersonalization or derealization. In most cases, sensations of depersonalization result from the introversion that anxiety cultivates. Anxious people tend to become so preoccupied with worrisome thoughts, body sensations, and adverse emotions, that their awareness becomes increasingly directed within themselves, rather than on the outside world. And this inner focus increases as inner turmoil grows. With time, you may become so consumed by your inner mental/emotional world that the outer world begins to take on an air of unreality. When this sensation of unreality is encountered, a typical anxious response is to become fearful that you're going crazy or losing your mind. But that increased anxiety just fuels the introversion causing the sensation. Yes, it can be quite frightening, but know that there is a vast difference between the simple sensation of unreality, and true insanity. When you encounter this sensation, remind yourself that it is a common anxiety symptom that will disappear once you've resolved the anxiety itself." Hope that info helps one or some of you out there - sometimes it comforting just to know that what we're experiencing is not abnormal.