Hi everyone,

I've suffered from HA for about a year now with various things happening where I thought I had mouth cancer, a brain tumour (turned out to be migraines and Labybrinthitis), and recently, Heart Problems and Bone Cancer.

I've got an understanding doctor who reassured me that my concerns are valid because I'm worried, and she ordered a set of basic blood tests - Full Blood Count, Liver Function, Thyroid Function, Kidney Function, and an ECG. I had these tests done on 3rd November, and I got the results on Friday. ECG Clear, and Blood tests all showing good health. She told me to be very reassured that i'm not showing signs of anaemia, or infection, bloods came back normal. And she was very positive about it.

But - Here I go.
Last monday evening I got an ache in my lower left leg, along the outside, it felt cold and achey, like when the cold gets to you. The ache lasted into the next day, and still hasn't gone. Thursday night, after taking a bath, it felt tingly, and my toes began tingling. Then the feeling went up the outside of my left leg, through my knee, up the back of my thigh over my bum. After that it felt tingly and warm. Friday I had an appointment booked with my GP due to getting my results back and to just check what was up with my leg.
I told her that it only aches when I am sitting down, or standing still.
She felt and checked for swelling, and there's no swelling or redness. Because I already have Reynauds Syndrome, she thinks it sounds like a nerve problem, so prescribed me gabapentin 300mg. She said to give it a couple of weeks and it will sort itself out, but if it gets worse or swelling or redness to either get medical help asap or go see the doctors again.

I'm taking the tablet but not finding any relief from it, but getting a little relief from using Voltarol Diclofenac gel.

It's only happening to my foot, ankle, calf and knee bone on the left side, and it did happen on my left elbow, lower forearm, and wrist and fingers.

Has anyone else experienced this? It's been a week now and it's still not eased and i'm trying to not worry that it's bone cancer.

I'm keeping a diary of my pain and symptoms, with the dates and times, but I feel like I could be over-reacting. :(

Just wish the pain would go and I felt normal again. I'm worried if I make another appointment seeing as I only saw her Friday, that they will think i'm being annoying or wasting their time.

Thanks, for reading.