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Thread: So the doctor suggested......

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    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    So the doctor suggested......

    I had my 6 month check with my GP today. BP, bloods are Ok. While my total cholestorol, HDLs and LDLs look good, my triglygerides were a bit on the high side (gotta cut out the sweets) and there were some sub type cholestorol levels (large and small LDLs) that could stand to be better. Anyway, for me and my history with heart disease, he was pleased.

    We discussed my chronic pain issue. I know many here talk about being in pain but I gotta tell you, after what I've been through, I know pain intimately. I've been living with chronic pain in the 3-5 out of 10 level since treatment. It's exhausting! I take Gabapentin for neuropathy and nerve pain from chemo and it helps. However, the left side of my neck and shoulder/upper back ALWAYS hurts. There is not a day that goes by that I don't have to take an OTC pain reliever or my prescription meds for it. With the meds, it takes the pain from 3-5 to a 2-3 and it's tolerable. I did find relief with acupuncture but at $100 a pop, I just can't afford it anymore :(

    Add to that lovely scenario the fact I've had what I can only describe as electrically charged insects burrowing under the skin on my neck/tapazoid area and upper shoulder blade on the side they did treatment on and it's a real picnic let me tell ya! Imagine a burning tickly itch you can't scratch!

    Since it's nerve related, my doctor suggested Cymbalta, a low dose (20mg to start) as a treatment for the chronic pain. I know that some SNRIs help with that. I've taken amitriptyline for nerve pain and as a sleep aid after my first heart attack and bypass surgery. I've been doing some research and he left the decision up to me. I'm curious if any others here have used it as a chronic pain relief solution. The other benefit is that it can also help with my "scanxiety" and everyday stress related situations. It just may be beneficial in the big picture.

    Positive thoughts
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 23-12-15 at 00:21.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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