Hi there, I am new to this forum, stumbled upon it in another moment of desperately searching for an answer. Anyway, this anxiety thing is not particuarly new for me- I have had it for approx five years. have been feeling good for a couple of weeks or so as I started back on some medication about a month ago. However, tonight, completely out of the blue, I have been hit by a completely new sensation and I really thought there were no more suprises. My chest felt really constricted and I was acutely aware of my breathing (not a new sensation) but then a really cold (or hot) tingly sensation started going through my body, really bad in legs, chest and stomach. My chest now feels like its burning. I can't get to sleep now because it starts really bad again as soon as I try. Is this a panic attack or something else?
To make matters worse, because it was so bad, I told my husband about it for a bit of reassurance and he has told me that he can't cope with it anymore as he has enough stress in his life. I feel slightly aggrieved as I do try keep about 95% of what I go through from him. Please don't get me wrong he is a wonderful man in every way, but I can't help feeling like this!! Help!