Hi, I've just been given the keys to a flat which I love and am super excited about having my own place.

The only thing is, the housing officer told me that until I officially move in, I will have to find the rent out of my own money, as the government does not pay for a vacant house, even though the lease has already started. And I won't be moving in properly for at least another week.

I've never rented before. So when will I have to pay this rent? At the end of the month, or sooner? I only get ESA which is £115 a fortnight, and the rent is £300 a month. So I don't even receive £300 a month. How am I going to pay this?

Will it go into arrears, or will I be kicked out? I've got the housing form, I'm confused as to what to tell them. If I move in after two weeks, does that mean I only have to pay 2 weeks rent and the welfare will pay the rest?