Hi All
I have been a member of No More Panic for some years as my initial diagnosis over 10 years ago was Anxiety states, however in recent years this has gone long side depression as it so often does and I have come to better understanding of the two combined ( and do hope that Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder M.A.D.D will be recognised by the APA and put on the DSM in future). However that is by the by! About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with dysthymia (or dysthymic disorder) - low grade chronic depression and as one of my degree modules on mental health, I have decided to focus on Dysthymia and would like to hear from people who also suffer with this regardless if you also have another mental health issue running along side of it.
I would love to hear about your experiences, how you were diagnosed, how it feels to have it, if you take any medication and if so what, have you found talking therapies helpful etc.
As I put my presentation together I may ask if it would be possible to use some of the feedback that you have given to me as I don't want it to be just based on how it affects me.
Thanks purplepie