
I am new to this forum, and am glad that I gave found it.
Hopefully, I will find some needed comfort.

I have been having lots of pain in my legs (one leg more than other) for the past several months without any known cause. Of course I was nervous about dvt/blood clots (especially since I was also experiencing shortness of brrath and chest pain). I had a d-dimer test about month ago and was way normal. The past few weeks have been characterized by more leg pain, especially in calves. I had a pre-existing appointment with my GP the other day, in which he tried to assure me again of no DVT (based on my symptoms and risk factors and a physical exam). I asked about an ultrasound (since I think my problem may be circulatory in nature), but he didnt feel it necessary.

When I have this anxiety, I often do things to overcorrect, which cause me even more anxiety! So, I did some stupid internet research (really trying to do lessof of that) and read anout peripheral artery disease. Read about how you can measure blood pressure in calf as well as arm as a test for this (although you really need an ultrasound reading). We have a blood pressure machine (automatic not pump) at home. So,stupidly, I tried to take my blood pressure on my calf. I got a reading the first time (unsurprisingly higher than when measured at arm). But couldnt get any other readings (usually the machine averages out three readings). I was finally able to almost get another reading (note that the test/squeezing takes abt less than one minute), but the cuff was getting too tight and I released it. I freaked out and thougt omg I might be giving myself a blood clot! To overcompensate a bit, I did some exercising (dancing) right after. Actually, a lot

Ugh! Now I can't sleep and continue to have my pre-existing calf pain (feels like its a little worse--(particularly on leg where I used the cuff). Is there anything here to worry about? Could I have given myself a blood clot in my calf (where they often appear)?! I know highly unlikely, but I need some reassurance.

I know for example that tourniquets can potentially cause blood clots, but that would be for an extended period of time (such as during a surgery). Right? Interesestingly enough, my GP joked with me that I would not be having a DVT or PE anytime soon (barring exceptional circumstances). Then he said, now if you tied some torniquet around your limbs, then thats a different story (and said jokingky that if he found out that i did that, he woukd kill me before any blood clot/PE). So, now in light of the BP ankle cuff freak out, I am thinking about what he said (and how mad he might be for me doing what I did). Why did I do that???!

Sorry for this long initial post. I know there has been a thread about arm blood pressure monitors and a clot, but I think this might be slightly different in light of the characteristics of my situation (pre-existing calf pain, dr visit, ankle/calf).

Lastly, as an FYI, I just re-started taking Lexapro for anxiety yesterday. Tried to be off for several months, but too much anxiety for me to deal with just with behavior modification.

I look forward to hearing from any and all! Thank you.