I had the strangest attack of reflux and anxiety this morning.

Having overslept this morning I put my skates on to get to a meeting and sat for an hour whilst attempting to calm down and eat my sandwich. I wasn't feeling too bad until I got up and went to the tea machine. As I was standing talking to a colleague, I felt a red hot flash in my stomach as if someone had stuck an electrode in me, followed by a hot spasm in the muscles under my jaw bone which ran from one end to the other. It made me really light headed with panic although the spasm passed away as quickly as it came on. For the rest of the day I have felt the dull burning acid feeling along my lower ribs and my face and jaw have 'prickled' with anxiety.

I was wondering if any other fellow reflux sufferers have ever had a similar experience with these spasms. Having read that jaw pains are not uncommon of acid reflux (although I can't imagine how!) - possibly a symptom of esophagitis - or equally a symptom of angina or heart problems I'd welcome some other opinion than my own frazzled thoughts. Feeling quite anxious at the moment and downing the Gaviscon!!