I'm 20 years old
Just recently sort of last 2 weeks my anxiety has hit a massive high, I feel like a complete wreck and a mess I'm literally sitting here crying, anxiety has stopped me doing everything i want to do, took over my life I also have quite a bit of social anxiety i managed to ruin it with a girl i liked last year aswell to make it even worse.

This fear started badly around a week ago if it's a stomach ache, it's appendicitis, bowel cancer, chest pains lung cancer or heartattack any headache it's a brain tumor etc.

I've been under so much stress this last week just doesn't matter what i do I just can't calm down and feel so anxious all the time.

my latest fear is bowel cancer, been constipated for 2 days, always suffered from stomach cramps it might be ibs but never got it diagnosed I think that arose from having a huge fear of appendicitis when my friend got it back in year 7 from school, anyway i've always had bouts of constipation bits of looser stools for years now and a bits of mucus and sometimes it had specks of bright red blood in it which did terrify me.

the thing is the cramps go when i relax get out side, get out and go for a drive which is one of my passions.

I just don't know what to do i just feel terrible stressed, always tired, get pissed off easily etc I just don't know any more :(

I just want to feel better
