Hi Guys

I have posted on here for a long while.I have a new baby who was born in September,and she is an absolute joy,so i have been focusing of course on her

However,i have been having back and hip pain which goes down my leg since before i became pregnant with her

Obviously i went back and forward to see the Dr who saidit was a trapped nerve,sciatic pain etc etc(even thought the pain i get isnt sharp,therefore not sciatica!!)
The pain is there ALL the time,getting worse at some point,i dont know what is making it worse at times and nothing takes it away

Also my lower back has an intense burning pain and now i have it into my bum and underneath(sorry tmi)and i remembered reading that if this happens its really serious

My mum dies from primary bone cancer and im sure this is what i have,im terrified

The Drs know my history and have fobbed me off.I was refered for physio and have been twice,it isnt working.....as i knew it wouldnt.....

I asked for blood tests and she said she wasnt going to do them...i am going to have to push for them

Sorry for going on...i cant bear the thought of leaving my gorgeous baby....im terrified [V]

Hunny x