
Firstly thank you to everyone who responded to my tiredness / dizziness post a few weeks ago.

Sincfe then i have been to the doctors a few more times and have been told its stress and exhustion thats causing my symptoms. Despite this im sure that ive go0t all the symptoms of CFD so ill tell you my story:

I first started to feel v.tired and lightheaded on around the 9th Novemnber. The tiredness has got so extreme for the last few weeks that i am having serious trouble at uni and the lightheadidnes / dizziness is also unbelievable. About a week and a half ago my parents came to uni to see me and managed to convince me that all of this has been caused by stress which is also what my doctor thinks. After my parents visited i actually felt much better for a week and managed to do my coursework. I knew i was comiong home for the xmas break on friday and on firday morning started to feel the symptoms coming on again which annoyed me as i thought they were on the way out. I have since done the worst possible thing and checked the internet and have noticed that the symptoms for chronic fatigue disorder seem exactly the same as mine. Since friday i have been getting worse and worse and can hardly type this without going into daydream mode. While im sitting hewre i feel so bad like im going to faint (my head is so dizzy and light) Im so worried and so are my parents Ive gone through all emotions and am so worried i think about death as well as possibly having this. It shows no sign of getting better and seems to be getting worse. My symtoms are as follows:

Tiredness / fatigue (major) dizziness / lightheadiness (major) muscle ache, weakness in fingers / limbs, stomach emptiness, dry throat (occasionley) nausea, slight chest pain. As i say i know roughly the time it started and sleep doesnt seem to help at all.

I was also running with the dog today and afterwards the lightheadidness was extreme.

Has ne one had this before? Does any one have any suggestions?

Im 22 and have previously suffered from depression (2 yrs ago) and get anxious a lot. Ive also experienced being extremley hot and then extremley cold in the space of about 20 mins recently. Please help!

Many Thanks
