
Just thought I would introduce myself.

I have had OCD since I was a little girl and properly diagnosed at the age of 21.

My OCD is mainly thoughts that go round in my head and are locked and don't move. I have had the GAY thoughts, harming myself, thougths about children etc. It totally freaks me out and feels so real but with therapy I have learnt it is OCD and I am not some freak.

I am also a psychotherapist and you would think it would help but it does not as you know when OCD takes over it takes a grip on you.

I also have to do everything I do twice or have to tip things or stare at things etc etc.

At the moment I have been diagnosed with burnout due to stress at work running my own company. OCD was very much under control until now and has exploded again.

Would like to hear from other people who suffer like this.

Best of luck to everyone in being able to cope and get things under control.