I just know it, im worrying myself sick about this hiv thing again. I had a negative HIV result only 3 weeks ago. 6 weeks after I aparently slept with someone with no protection. I am not proud of getting so drunk and behaving like that, I have no memory of it, I was having some problems at home and went out with my friends and that happened.

My dr told me a negative result at 6 weeks is accurate and no need to re test. Me being stupid im doubting it now thinking I should of insisted on waiting until 3 months. I told my dr id read its 3 months and he said 6 weeks is fine. I know I should trust him, I do deep down but this anxiety is eating away at me.

This man is fine, doesnt sleep around but I don't know if his ex partner did do I?and im now really doubting my test result.

My home life is now great, I have 3 fab children and a loving husband, we are putting the past behind us and he has now started to put me first instead of work. I don't want to ruin christmas like I do every year worrying.

Can anyone give me some words of reassurance? I have considered googling if 6 week tests are accurate but I know I will find something to upset myself and I really do not want to do that.

Sorry to post again:(