I thought I was doing better.. but clearly I'm not.
I've been having my fear of a brain tumor for almost two months now. I still have the horrible symptoms - the right side of my body just feels STRANGE. My doctors tell me it's just anxiety. It's hard to explalin the sensations, really.. it feels like there's an excess of energy in the arm & leg that just needs to be squeezed out - but no amount of squeezing helps.
I got really scared again today because I woke up with the symptoms and started thinking "how can it be anxiety or psycho-sematic if I wake up with it without even thinking about it??" I just don't get it, is this really possible??

Anywway, then I read rb1978's post about nasal cancer and recalled that I've had this strange tiny bump in my nose for years now. It's at the front of my nose, inside. Anyway, being not very smart, I googled nasal cancer and now am convinced that I have NASAL CANCER which has spred to my BRAIN hence me having BOTH kinds of cancer. One side of my nose often feels empty, and while I've never had major nosebleeds, sometimes when I blow my nose there is a tiny amount of blood. I've never thought anything of it, but now I am convinced it's nasal cancer which has spread to my brain and I am going to die any minute now. I also have ear pain sometimes. My doctor has checked my ears, given me neurological tests.. but I'm still convinced. He's never specifically checked my nose, but he's looked in there before during routine exams and has never seen anything unusual as far as I know..

Help. Please.

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
