Me again,:(
So i thought i was getting better, and what did i do google after not having done it for a few months.
I have been experiencing pelvic pain especially today like a dull ache down below, ive had this for a few years since having children ( oldest being 12).
So whilst looking up symtoms i discovered i could have ovarian cancer known as the silent killer.
I am completely freaked out and feeling really scared, i am shaky and panicky, feeling cold and my heart is in my stomach, oh god what am i going to do.
I really thought i was getting a bit better and something like this happens, i knew christmas would be bad this year again something always happens, i cant cope feeling like this , i honestly thought my medication was starting to work.
What if this pelvic pain is ovarian cancer, i'm really scared tonight, am i being silly?? [Sigh...]