It's a struggle to get things done. Even with simple things like cleaning. It takes hours to psych myself up into doing it and somehow I'll end up procrastinating or not doing it all. For example, washing my clothes—I'll put the first load but it takes me hours until I move it to the dryer. I suck at cleaning. I can barely muster the energy to clean anything other then the kitchen. My room is a mess. I don't feel sleepy but it's like all the energy has been zapped out of me. I've noticed that the intrusive thoughts I've had can make me feel physically exhausted. It's takes so much effort to do simple things. I cooked dinner last night and took out the trash but man it was so hard to get moving. I know I've been lying around too much. I'm on the computer a lot of the time so I'm trying to take baby steps to do things when I don't feel like it but I feel so drained. I know it probably seems like to other people I don't care about anything and that I'm lazy but I feel so tired.