...and I have NO idea if it was the right thing to do.

Recently, my anxiety has been kind of all over the place. Some of it is natural anxiety since I'm in my last semester of school and I have to apply for graduation and start job searching sometime soon.

Other bits are me having suuuuuper low self esteem, worrying my acne will come back, and most disturbingly so far, worrying about excess shedding of hair and that my hair feels thinner than it did before.

I mentioned the thinning to my current therapist and she just shrugged and asked why I hadn't gone to the doctor yet. I replied that I was trying to NOT rush to the doctor for every little thing, but that seemed to confuse her.

So after massive stressing I figured I'd just book a physical and talk to my doc about it. I have to go in anyway and sort out my migraine medication. Problem is, I've never had a physical before. I have no idea if I schedule the "right" thing. It's also not until October 5th, which means I can ask my psych first if he things the shedding is concerning/could be med related but otherwise I have to sit tight and wait over a month.

Really, I have no idea which doctor I needed to see - my family physician, my derm, my psych. I'm just so tired of this and scared too. Even my hairdresser said I was shedding a LOT.

Any advice? Did I do the "right" thing or am I seeing the wrong person in the wrong capacity or just giving in to my HA?

For the record, my GP is awesome, knows I have anxiety, and will undoubtedly listen to me and give good advice. I just don't want to waste anyone's time.