Hi all

I posted a similar thing to this recently but wanted to elaborate to get more feedback.

For the past 4 weeks I have experienced a sensation mostly on the forehead, scalp and face but sometimes on different parts of my body (hand, legs, back etc), but predominately on the forehead, scalp and face. Normally located to a small area or areas on the forehead, scalp and face. It's NEVER all over the place in one go and never constant.

Anyway, here is what it feels like. Mostly like a very tiny fly is walking on the surface of my skin, a bit like being touched very lightly by a fine feather or someones long hair JUST touching my skin. Also sometimes like I have walked into a cobweb on my face. On my sclap and eyebrows it feels like the hairs are moving or standing up. It can happen in one spot for literally a second then not there again or last for a few seconds.

I am more aware of these sensations during times of anxiety. At other times I dont notice them at all.

I am really keen to hear from others and their experience this. Did it eventually pass? Did you notice it correlate with anxiety episodes? Is this a fairly common symptom of anxiety states. Basically ANY info on similar experiences or insights in to this or physical effects of anxiety/adrenaline surges.

Hope you guys can help, fingers crossed.