Hi guys,

I am quite familiar with both derealization and depersonalisation, I used to get them a lot during my anxiety/panic attacks or simply when I was stressed. The symptoms were "classic", I felt as if everything around me was strange or like in a dream.
But recently I started feeling weird towards other people. It is very difficult for me to describe this feeling, because it's very abstract. It is similar to derealization: sometimes I look at a person (usually someone close to me, or someone I spend a lot of time with) and something about them feels off. It's just really bizarre, it's as if "something is wrong", but I can't point out what exactly. I feel like they look strange to me, but not in such a way that I don't recognize them anymore, just the general feeling of them being like strangers.
This actually only happens to me if I am with the person in a public place that may be crowded (like the supermarket). And I often feel overwhelmed and anxious in such places, so maybe it's connected with my panic and anxiety. What do you think?