I am a 100 pound, 23 year old female.

This year I have had 3 CT scans (2 of the chest, and 1 of the abdomen), both of which came back normal which makes me feel like I exposed myself to so much cancer-causing radiation for NOTHING.

The chest CT was warranted because I had been coughing up blood for a few months, however the technologist said my first chest CT scan was "blurry" so she gave me immediately gave me a second afterwards!!! I've heard that's like getting 700 regular xrays in a row.

Then just recently, I was pressured by my parents to get an abdominal CT because of digestive issues that lead me to the emergency room. I felt so reluctant about it but did it anyway against my better judgement. Of course, it was normal.

Besides that, I've gotten many normal xrays over the years (chest, mouth, knee, etc) which all adds up.

Now all I do is cry every night because I believe those mega doses of ionizing radiation is going to spur mutations a few years down the line and cause cancer (especially since I'm so thin and young.) I'm crippled by anxiety every day... I've lost my job, I'm depressed, I feel hopeless about my future health. There is already cancer in my immediate family so this just adds to my risk. I'm wondering if they'll be able to tell me how much mSv was in my scan but I fear how high it will be.

Has anyone else gotten multiple CT scans? Am I right to be so concerned about my cancer risk???? Any advice/words will be REALLY appreciated. My life has been hell after this and I don't know how to cope.