
I’m sorry I wasn’t sure whether or not to post this here but I don’t really want to post on any health boards because I'll most probably get scary answers.

Anyway I had a colposcopy (sorry spelling!!? its the cervical microscope one) on the 15th December and I was told I would have to wait up to two months for the results, but I got a letter through the post a few days ago to say that the results of my cervical screening is normal.

I phoned my doctor today because I'm surprised my results came back so quickly and I think they may have made a mistake somewhere along the line, my doctor now also thinks they have made a mistake as she doubts very much results would come back this soon, also she hasn’t heard anything about my results yet.

I'm really annoyed as ive been so worried about my results, I had two abnormal smears previous to this and my second smear showed moderate dyskariosis, I didn’t think that moderate dyskariosis could revert back to normal like borderline changes do(??) So I was expecting to have to have some sort of treatment.

I've been preparing myself for the worst so now my head is really screwed!

Anyhoo I was wondering if anyone who has had a colposcopy could help me? How long did you have to wait for results? And has anyone had results back this quickly? Or has anyone had moderate changes that have gone back to normal?

Thanks if you can help