Well after a long 8 weeks I attended the breast clinic this morning. The consultant examined me and said even though the gp thinks I have a fibroandeoma she thinks it's just nodularity but would send me for an ultrasound anyway. I had the ultrasound and the doctor asked me to point when the lump was and he felt it and then got me to lie down and went over it a few times with the tool (can't remember what it's called) he then we'll it's good news you have prominent milk ducts and showed me on the screen and explained a few things. Said its nothing to worry about and all good news. Then I went back to the consultant for the results who also said something about ducal pattern but nothing to worry about and to go and enjoy my Christmas. So why am I still worried? I keep thinking maybe he didn't check properly on the ultrasound or maybe he missed something or there might have been something in the way of this nasty lump and he didn't see it. I hate anxiety!!!!!!!