I'm house sitting for my son while he's overseas.
I used to live here twenty years ago in this very house but left during a very traumatic time in my life.

It's supposed to be a holiday and in every way it is because the accommodation is 5 star with a pool and servants. My husband is with me and we're enjoying this time on our own.

But I'm plagued by chest pains which seem to be caused by excess trapped wind.
I have HA so naturally any chest pain causes more anxiety.

I'm pretty sure it's caused by anxiety because in the evening it disappears completely and my appetite returns, also I have no pain during the night.

I'm thinking that returning to this house is churning up old memories, which in turn is causing anxiety and chest pain.

I'm trying so hard to relax and I haven't told my husband because I don't want to spoil his holiday.

Hoping for a bit of reassurance to help me.
