So its been 3 weeks on Anafranil. Cant say the start up effects have been worse than ssris. Only thing that is bothering me is the lack of energy and lethargy. Also the lack of motivation to do anything. Will these eventually go away. Or is it early days yet. I was sxpecting constipation and dry mouth but it seems I have excaped those. Will the low mood also eventually go away? All I feel like doing is sleeping but I cant reallyy sleep except at night. ALthough the anxiety has subsided and no severe panic attacks the depression still seems to be there. How long before it works on deprssion? The doctor said if after 15 days I see little improvement I should increase the dose from 75mg to 150mg. I started that yesterday. I also switched from thaking the med in the morning to taking it at night as I dont think I would manage the days feeling so sedated, Maybe I should try 75 mg at night and 75mg in the morning. Going to try stick this one out as long as I can as I dont feel like trying anything else again. I really had high hopes for this one and now I am on the verge of feeling hopeless again. If anyone reading this has been on this med how long did it take before it helped with depression?