Hi i'm new to this forum and wanted to know if i'm alone in how I feel. Six months ago at work had my first panic attack, I work on the phone as a sales operator. As I was talking to the customer I suddenly became hot and felt faint my heart began to race and needed to get out. My manager took the call from me and I went home, later that evening I felt chest pain and got very worried so I went to the accident and emergency at the hospital. I had an ECG and chest X-Ray and blood tests but everything was clear. I then felt ok for a couple of days but again began to get chest pain and went to the doctors he prescribed cipralex for anxiety. Its now been 6 weeks since ive been back to work coz i'm so scared of that same situation, I don't think that the medication is working and i'm permanantly on edge. I cannot even sit and watch a film coz I concentrate on my heartbeat and await my next pain, I have trouble sleeping, i'm so scared i'm going to die, has anyone else had symtoms like these and has anyone got over it? Alcohol is the only thing that makes me forget about and feel nearly normal. I'm so depressed and at my wits end I feel like there is no escape....please HELP!!!