I have a great amount of anxiety lately it's been about my lymph nodes, and if you read this forum you've probably seen my threads so you knowmy story. Well after seeing doctors and being told I'm fine I'm left with only one option and that's to try to put it out of my mind because I was denied a biopsy so I am literally out of options. So what would be the best way to treat my anxiety aside from seeing a therapist. Because I'll be honest I am in a very bad place mentally, I constantly fear I won't be alive for much longer, I worry that I won't see my son grow up, and on top of all that I constantly wonder what I'd do if I am really sick as in would I try ending it all myself, I've never considered suicide but the fact that I imagine it to me that's almost as bad. So as you can see I'm in a dark place and you haven't even heard the half of it. I'm not here for attention or a diagnoses I'm just hoping someone has some advice that can help point me in the right direction because I have to regain control of my life because it's ruining mine and families lives because I'm struggling to take care of my responsibilities because I can't focus and I'm so scared day and night .