I wanted to start a new thread about this. Is it supposed to be kind of choppy (up's and down's) while starting medication. I've been on medication for 8 weeks now. I think it's been 6 weeks on a therapeutic dose. I just upped my dose again (two 1/2 weeks ago) and am feeling anxious (on and off throughout the day). It kind of depends on what's going on in my life at the time. Mornings are the worst, however yesterday I felt so short of breath. I felt like I kept needing to take deep breaths. It felt anxiety related and i'm scared nothing is going to work for me. The doctor said I need to give my increased dose 4-6 weeks to work. I'm on 2 and a half weeks on the increased dose and keeping a calendar-- crossing off each day.

I take a benzo every day to take the edge off , but even that only helps a bit. I'm exercising and meditating. What else can I do. Is it time to switch medicine, or should I wait a few more weeks on the increased dose? I feel so impatient, and really just want to feel better. I feel like i'm being held back from truly living my life. I'm in a constant state of worry and anxiety.

Thanks for listening. Anyone- please feel free to chime in. I need some positive stories.