Hi All,
Have read many posts on this forum in the last few weeks, but first time posting.

To cut a long story short, I have recently (3 months ago) been officially diagnosed with severe clinical depression and anxiety (the depression most probably caused by years of trying to ignore the anxiety and not deal with it), and I struggle with Pure-O too, most debilitating is ROCD.

After finally accepting I need help and deciding medication is needed, I started on Fluoxetine. I am now in week 8 of 20mg. I was on 5mg and 10mg before that but I am not counting those 2 weeks.

I had SEVERE anxiety about starting the medication and was terrified about how it was going to make me feel. I think more than anything, that is what caused me to feel so bad, more than the actual medication side effects, but I had it all. Severe increased anxiety, loss of appetite, weight loss, upset stomach, INCREDIBLY low mood, 'loose-brain' feeling, insomnia etc.

Not sure how I persevered but I did, and as the days roll by I keep thinking 'what if I need to change'. So scary. But I know that I have seen quite a few posts of people on Fluoxetine that said that they only felt a difference between 8 and 12 weeks and am hoping that will be me.

Side effects have almost all gone, appetite back to normal, and morning anxiety I had in the beginning is better.

In the last few days though my head does not feel great, slight headache and dizzy feeling. Sleeping has improved (I never slept well, even before meds) and I sleep 6 hours a night now with half an ambien.

I guess I am just looking for some reassurance from people who only saw benefits much later and decided to stick it out.

Struggling with the flat feeling. Doing weekly CBT so I'm sure that will assist me too.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much