Hi all,

Signed up to the forum a few days ago and have found the content quite reassuring that I'm not the only one going through this.

A little about me, I'm a 29 y/o male currently battling with panic disorder, GAD and HA. Although I have always been able to keep on top of my anxiety about 4 months ago life events got a little overwhelming and caused me to crash allowing the panic/anxiety take over. I have now found myself dreading each day and living in constant fear that there is something physically wrong with me (have huge HA about heart).

I ultimately hit crisis point last week after numerous visits to the GP only to be shrugged off and told to increase my medication (currently on 45mg Mirtazipine & 20mg Propranolol which I don't feel is helping). I feel ever so let down by system, there seems to be such a lack of mental health support in my area so really hoping that being on this forum will help me defeat this demon.

Looking forward to speaking with you all.