Has anyone had any experience of Ashwaghanda? I have been reading up on this and it apparently can be taken alongside anti depressants without any side effects. I have anxiety every day mornings are the worst and I'm looking for a herbal remedy, I don't sleep well and my appetite is hit and miss.

I am taking Mirtazapine 15mg and Amitripytline 20mg at night, the Mirt I have tried to come off but the withdrawal effects were a bit too much for me to cope with. The Amitriptyline I have only been on a couple of months but the GP mainly advised these for my sciatica and poor sleeping. I don't find the Mirt much help but will try to come off it again if I can settle on a herbal remedy and come off anti depressants altogether.

Thanks for reading, sorry it's a bit long. Any advice appreciated.