Hello, all.

This "seizure" thing has been going on for the last couple of days. Still haven't gotten over it.


Now I'm experiencing something new. Which got me concerned and worried. In the afternoon, I had took me a nap. During it, my leg starts to twitch and twitches again (both legs) then my eyes start to flicker which I have like got myself out of it? Started to breathe rapidly and closed my eyes as I continue to rest but the flickering kept going til it stopped. (I don't know if this makes sense)

This happened to me whenever I take naps in the afternoon. Know I'm driving everyone mad from this seizure problem I'm having. Truly apologize to y'all.

Is this normal for me when I am sleeping? Are these sleep seizures? Or REM?

Please help, I want to get better but I'm getting worse.

Deanna J.