I went to get my CBC done, and I got my results which are as follows...

Component Results

Component Your Value Standard Range
WBC 6.3 th/mm3 3.9 - 9.1 th/mm3
RBC 4.99 mil/mm3 3.83 - 4.89 mil/mm3
Hemoglobin 14.3 g/dL 11.6 - 14.2 g/dL
Hematocrit 42.5 % 34.9 - 42.2 %
MCV 85.0 fl 84.1 - 94.5 fl
MCH 28.7 pg 27.5 - 31.9 pg
MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32.8 - 34.2 g/dL
Platelets 232 th/mm3 163 - 437 th/mm3
MPV 6.7 fl 5.5 - 9.6 fl
Lymphocytes Relative 26.0 % 17.6 - 48.7 %
Lymphocytes Absolute 1.60 th/mm3 1.00 - 3.10 th/mm3
Monocytes Relative 2.9 % 2.2 - 5.7 %
Monocytes Absolute 0.10 th/mm3 0.10 - 0.30 th/mm3
Grans (Absolute) 4.60 th/mm3 2.00 - 6.50 th/mm3
RDW-CV 12.5 % 11.8 - 15.8 %
Grans 71.1 % 47.3 - 78.5 %

I was told by the doctor that my Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, and RBC were 'high'. When looking up the standard gauges for those three things (for a woman), I fall within the normal range. I was also told by a different doctor that the standard range in this photo is 'inadequate' or incorrect. Just wondering if anyone with experience can fill me in, are my levels high?