My therapist had told me about a day centre, I went to look around with her and I agreed I'd give it a go to help my agoraphobia and social phobia. I had to wait for the centre to tell me when and if I could start and they phoned me Monday to ask if I could start Wednesday.

I said I'd go, and yesterday afternoon my therapist took me there. I was really nervous, my throat was so tight, and I worried about walking into the group I was joining and having everyone look at me.

The session was for 2 hours and it was arranged that I could just stay for half an hour if I wanted. The funny thing is because I'm so shy, when it'd been half an hour, I felt too shy to say anything and I ended up been there an hour, the tutor asked if I was ok and I then managed to say I'd felt i'd done enough today.

I was happy I'd done it yesterday but it hadn't sunk in as much, but since I've woken up this morning I've been on a real high, I haven't been in a group like that for 3 years and although I was really quiet and anxious, I'm glad I did it. I did better than I imagined.

Heather x