i went out before christmas and got really drunk so drunk in fact i have forgotten big gaps in the night, i had an argument with my friend, which i dont really remember.
i woke up in the morning after this night and thought i feel like such an idiot blah blah, with people telling me what i did etc, i then started to think oh my god i dont remember going to the toilet what if i cheated on my partner (of 4 years) i have been quizzing my friends about this night for over a month now and they have all said there is no way you could ever do that and they dont remember me going to the toilet on my own and they said if i did i wouldnt forget, but what if i did do something and forgot i forgot the argument and most other parts of the night.
my partner said i was fine when i came home and i asked him to make me cheese on toast so i obviously didnt feel guilty then, but what if i completely blocked it out of my mind that i did.

sorry to ramble!!