Quote Originally Posted by ubermod View Post
Right, i've been a member a few weeks now but like all here i've fallen trap to looking up symptoms on google....... PEOPLE THIS MUST STOP!!! we are making ourselves worse, i know we are only trying to put our minds at ease but we all know what it makes us think, yep the "C" word. Post after post i'm reading about how you've all looked on google and how its made you freak and rush to the doctors thinking you're dying. Its a healthy thing to want to know whats wrong with us but all advice out there isn't from professional sources.

Its time us health anxiety sufferers got Dr Google struck off!!

Post for newbies how searching the web has made you feel worse and lets try and stop people doing it and learn from our mistakes.

I've done this SOOO many times. I'm 19 years old, I don't smoke and I'm convinced I've got oral cancer! It takes over my life (my health anxiety), a nurse and a doctor have both said my enlarged lymph node is normal but I can't help myself googling all day! Sending love x