Ok so my last post was a right downer looking back at it. But after loads of applying for jobs over the past few weeks I've finally bagged myself an interview for tomororw doing a job I've been wanting to do for a while, and I've finally got the opportunity to at least have a chance to do it,

But tonight I'm feeling so anxious and I don't want this anxiety to ruin t for me.

I've been having so many more panic attacks than usual so I don't want to go and have a panic attack there and blow my chances.

I can't even leave the house without feeling anxious and nervous which is totally my fault as I avoid going out as much as possible recently cause home is my safe place.

The interview is only a 10 minute drive away so would be perfect if I actually got the job (really not feeling hopeful right now)

Anxiety ruins everything else I just really don't want it to ruin it for tomorrow.

Tips on actually being a normal human tomorrow. ???