Hello! Yesterday I finally got out the house and went over my sister house to watch the Super Bowl. My daughter who is 13 years old ask me if I can come with her and my son over my sister. So at first I told her I felt to bad, kept thinking that if I go over there around many people that I will have a attact. So the thought kept comeing to my mine negative thoughts. The more I thought about it ther worst I got. Some how I convinced my self that I am going, let the panick come on and dont fight it..Imediatly I felt better. The feelings and fear went away.

Okay I was doing good over my sis, but all of sudden the sick feelings come back, I just felt like I was there but I just couldnt get focus..Well as the nite went of I felt better. So as we left on the way home, I felt the panick attack comeing on. I went in the house and there go a full blown attack came on..I was shakeing as if I was having a nervous breakdown.. My daughter was next to me as I was shaking from the chills. I kept breathin in my bag, constantly and I just couldnt get focus and relax. I think I got scared again which I tried to just ride it out. But had a really hard time. So my daughter called her aunt and she prayed and prayed for me over the phone I started crying because I got scared of the attack. Well after she pray for me about a hour a so, I got worn out and I stop shaking before I got off the phone with her. I finnally dripped off to sleep and woke up about 4am. with the hot flushes. I couldnt go back to sleep until about 9am. as I relaxed and breath in the bag..I am woke again and I am still burning up inside with the hot flushes and panick. Does anyone have the hot flushes alot?? And how do get relieve from them? I have a cold towel on my chest and I am still in heat. Just praying I dont go back into this bad attack..Well one thang I accomplish was leaving the house yesterday, which I havent visit no one in a long time. I just need some support today.Thanks!!!