Hi all,
I am sure some may remember me from a couple of months ago. I seemed to have gotten things pretty much under control. Meds are working. Grandkids are ok. So something had to go wrong right? I rented a house a couple of years ago to share with my 23 year old daughter. Things didn't work out because we were both fighting our own demons, mostly drugs, alcohol and men. Her sister, my then 25 year old, moved in and all hell broke loose. A mother and two daughters on crystal meth don't mix too well. She threatened to kick my a___ every day and made life unbearable. I moved out and have now almost three years clean. I am now raising her two daughters and her sister's daughter also. I have a good job, my own place, and I was just about to feel respectable and normal....until today when I noticed my check was short 459.00. After I moved out of the house the two of them stopped paying rent and got evicted. I actually went to court and told the judge that they refused to leave and to evict them. So....how does it turn out?? They are garnishing MY check for 2707.00. That is 459.00 out of each check for 5.5 months, because my name was on the lease. The 25 year old is now in prison, and the 23 year old is STILL on drugs. I turned my life and will over to God. I am working very hard to give these three kids a good "normal" life. But these little snares pop up and kick you in the butt. I had no idea that this was going to happen. I took the kids whale watching this weekend and spent way over budget to show them a good time. Now I go to work today and find out I didn't have any money to spend.

Taking a deep breath.......

The stress is making my neck so stiff and I am feeling spongy, if that makes any sense. I am wondering if I can even afford my meds this month. If the depression comes back again....I don't know if I can handle another melt down.
If any of the old crew is still out there, give me a holla and say what's up. Thanks for listening.


Why stay in prison when the door is wide open?