Quote Originally Posted by 40127253 View Post
I've had anxiety for about ten years and at the moment it seems like the social aspect of it is taking over and I'm finding myself avoiding social situations where there is a chance I will have to have a one-on-one conversation with anybody, even close friends. I feel like during any conversation my anxiety takes over so I can't think of a normal response to what the person is saying and instead all I can think about is how to escape or what is wrong with me that I can't do this one simple thing.

I'm also reluctant to ever take the propranolol I've been prescribed because I think I somehow feel like relying on medication like that is admitting defeat and I should be able to overcome it myself but time and time again I feel deflated after any social interaction because I feel like I've not improved.

Does anyone experience anything similar and find that beta blockers are the way to go?

Hey rachel I got given propanolol a few years ago when I had my anxiety crisis, I took it 2-3 max 4 times and threw it away I didnt like it at all and still dont take anything for anxiety to this day. I remember it always made my body and legs feel quite heavy, like the feeling you get after a long deep sleep just after you get up and cant wake up, And I hated that because im used to my energy and alertness.

In regards to talking to people I think im on that same level as you, I dont talk to many people just those close to me, And I dont feel comfortable with talking to people I dont know...and feel as though I have no interest either, like im not missing out on anything.. I wouldnt say nervous though, maybe a few years ago.. But its easy to get nervous when you have to break the ice with someone and worst if you are forced to talk with people you dont really like or get along with in a scenario such as work.