Hi all,
Posted a while back about mild discomfort felt between shoulders
when swallowing food.Convinced myself I have cancer of the esophagus.
Went back to docs, he said considering my age (37) and no weight loss,
discomfort probably caused by reflux.
I'm now on two months of reflux suppressors, and gaviscon.Problem is,
after docs visit I feel very posotive then a couple of weeks pass and I start to worry again and focus too much on my symptoms which leads me too wanting to visit docs again.
Deep down I know I'm too young for esophagus cancer so why do I keep on worrying !!!! Googled lung cancer (sorry) and strangely enough
I'm really conscious of my breathing.Keep feeling like i need to breath in
more than I do naturaly.Does any body else do this?feels like my chest is tight also, so strting to focus on that.This despite going for a 30 minute run yesterday with no problems-some lung cancer victim eh !!!!
Sorry for the rant