Well, went to another doctor just for a second opinion.. He said the same, the node is small, doesn't have the charictaristics of a melignant node, that I'm sick and my strep is still a bit active and that I've been endlessly prodding it making it swell.. He told me to take seven to ten days without touching it and see if it's gone down.. If not or it's bigger then perhaps we can do an ultrasound and fine needle biopsy just to be safe..

I really am not normally like this, I have a little HA but nothing like this.. It's just the area and the statistics associated with it that I'm terribly afraid of.. I feel like I'm even manifesting symptoms because of my anxiety now and I have to tell myself "whoa, calm down, a second doctor just said it's most likely nothing"..

You both are correct, I'm blowing it out of proportion, I'm just, well, scared.. It's not a good area to have a lymph node swell, even if it is small.. I'm constantly imagining dieing in less than a year from some stage 4 cancer and that's just ridiculous.. I mean, could it be that? Yeah it could.. But is it? Doesn't look like it.. I'd have to be pretty special to be under 31, no symptoms, with an active double infection, a node that feels softish and super mobile and STILL have a malignancy that advanced..