Started to get worried about some symptoms which I'm hoping aren't diabetes. Going to try to get an appointment with my doctor to arrange a test.

I've been suffering from headaches for months now. A lot just above / behind my left eye but they do move around. They're not splitting headaches but are a dull ache (could this be tension?) my neck and shoulders are tight which doesn't help and I'm going to see a physio to try to address this. Meanwhile the last couple of days I've had tingling / numbness in my fingers and arms which is worrying me. I'm tired all the time as well

The thing is I know most / all of these symptoms can also be anxiety / depression and I hope this is the cause and not diabetes that I'm worrying it might be. My mother died through complications from diabetes at 54.

As I said I'm going to go get checked out and sort health issues I definitely have (also have tinnitus now as well) but meanwhile anyone have this sort of combination of symptoms?

Fed up of feeling the way I do. Have struggled with anxiety and depression for so long it has had such an effect on my life and now I'm getting older it's taking a physical toll on me.

I just want to feel well in mind and body but I feel awful!