Hi mynameis

I hope you are well, and are having a good 2007 so far. (The same to everyone on this forum too)

I'm so sorry to read of what you have been going through, and to hear of the loss of your father. I'm pleased that things have got better for you. Think of all the progress you have made, and the progress you will continue to make! And I am sure that you will. You seem like a strong person - again, you have really made such a lot of progress, and please don't forget that...

I really wish I had other words to help. But, aargh... *looking over at empty packet of Jaffa Cakes and St. John's Wort tea*

Sorry to speak (or write) about myself again - I am sorry about this. The last week for me has been absolutely awful. I think it's been a combination of a few things: New Year (eek!), new job (eek!), New Year's Resolutions (eek!), hormonal troubles (eek!) etc... I have been crying endlessly and it's just been horrible, so very horrible. I'm wondering whether I should go back on anti-depressants. It's been scary and horrible... My mind just never ever seems to be at peace, and it scares me so much. Horrible horrible...

My mother has been making enquiries about my going to see a therapist. I really have to do something. (And I hate bringing my mother down, so very much) I think that it is the New Year, and I really want to get this all together! Come ON, come on...

Take care - best wishes again