Hello, I'm sorry if this becomes very long but I will try and keep things short. I am 27 year old woman who lives in the UK. I have issues with anxiety and depression for... about 9 years, although this became very severe after I managed to leave an abusive relationship. (It was bad while in the relationship for sure, don't get me wrong - however I had no idea just how much it would affect me after the fact) I am not on any medication currently. I have a doctor who is understanding yet I am too scared to go back and see and I have seen a councillor recently, who again I am scared to reach out too because I feel like while I'm not coping 100% at the moment - I am not in major distress and don't want to waste anyone's time.

At the end of last year I had a downward spiral where thoughts were never ending, everything felt out of control and my depression kicked in hard - leading to very unpleasant thoughts. After councilling I initially felt more positive with a "you've pulled through before, you can do it again" attitude but I feel everything creeping back in again. I have repetitive thoughts throughout the day and I'm basically isolating myself. (I am married to a very supportive husband but I'm trying to not lean on him too much because I feel it's a bit unfair to burden him with how I am feeling all of the time).

This is really scary to post, for some reason I find written communication very hard to do, I will read and 're read many times I'm sure - although I'm sure many of you will know how that feels! Heh. Anyway, I'm hoping to find tips on how to move forward and calm the repetitive thoughts before I start the spiral again and support.

Thanks for reading.