New to this forum, but not new to HA by any means. Have had multiple stints of heart health fear and cancer fears for the last 18 plus years. None have been as devastating as this latest rabbit hole of ALS.

Started with a few twitches behind my shoulder for some time and I looked up dr. google. As i was looking up I was telling myself not to....but alas :( As soon as I came across ALS I thought well now just because of what I've read, I'm sure I'll start twitching all over....sure enough that followed.

Started feeling my left arm wasn't as strong as my right now and started doing all sorts of tests. Started doing dumbells with my left arm and sure enough couldn't do as many with left as I could with right (am right handed), so perhaps should not have been a surprise.

All this started two and a half months ago. I have been twitching all over all this time. About three weeks ago, my husband said well you talk about twitching all over and i do see this weird sensation on your chin....well sure enough i look in the mirror and see my muscle twitching right under my lip. this twitch i wasn't even feeling and it was twitching non stop. That went on for a week and then stopped itself. i was happy but then I noticed a weird sensation in my gums and sort of felt like my ear and jaw were getting tight. i get this feeling all throughout the day on and off. Well a couple of days ago, I started feeling like I'm slurring and now there's no way I can calm myself down :( I'm desperate and just looking for some reassurance from someone who has experienced all this. Scared beyond words at this time!