This post is purposefully vague so as to protect my identity. I am (or rather, was) a member of a campaign group who run campaigns both online and offline. I helped to run the website and social media for the group - everyone is a volunteer, and it's something I did in my spare time for nearly 2 years.

Mostly I enjoyed it and I got on well with the others (apart from a few disagreements here and there, but nothing too dramatic).

Over the weekend I found out that a few associates (not actual members) of the group had caused a scene and vandalised someone's property after attending a protest rally. Someone had recorded it and the video ended up online all over social media and was even reported in the mainstream media! They were even carrying banners etc with the organization's logo, thereby wrecking our reputation. The police are aware of who was involved. I was not there - I only help with the online campaigns and never attend any demos in real life - that would be too stressful for me as an autistic person with anxiety.

When I went to the leader of the campaign and the other senior members to express my concerns, they downplayed the whole thing and the leader in particular was very dismissive of me. :(

So I said that I wanted to leave and I sent a formal resignation message. One of the senior members replied with a nice message saying he's sad I'm leaving and that I'll be missed, but the leader and one other senior member kept sending me messages begging me to stay!

So I said I would consider staying, as long as the leader put out a public statement condemning and disavowing the incident, saying that we are a peaceful campaign and don't support any vandalism or threats. He refused to do so, saying that it would only draw more attention to the incident (but it was already all over the local news anyway!). He also said that he didn't want to throw the perpetrator "under the bus", so-to-speak. I was very annoyed about this, as I think this person has brought the campaign into disrepute by his actions and he should face the consequences.

After that, I properly quit the group's online chats and I'm no longer updating their social media or website. I don't want to be associated with such a group any more. I don't want this on my conscience. I'm feeling really stressed about it.

It was hard for me to leave, as I like the leader of the group and saw him as an online friend. I guess he won't want to be friends any more now that I've quit! :( I've been doing this for nearly 2 years so it'll feel strange not doing it any more.

I'd just like some moral support that I've done the right thing.