I just got a call from my doctor... I had some bloodwork done the other Friday, as I was experiencing cramping all over my body, and some aching.

I got a call while I was on the train home saying that the results were "overall satisfactory" but there was some kind of deficiency in calcium or potassium, which I can rationalize as my diet hasn't been great during exam season.

However she also said something about inflammation... and I'm now freaking out uncontrollably. Doesn't that usually indicate a serious disease of the organs? Or cancer? I was recovering from a minor sniffling bug when I had the blood taken, but my fiance, who is training to be a nurse, said it's not that, but doesn't know what it could be.

I'm kind of thinking/hoping that it's something very easily controllable and not serious like an underactive thyroid, as I've been feeling fatigued as well, combined with the aching/cramping suggests that... But given the sudden onset, I'm now worried about thyroid cancer... plus I've lost weight. Not unintentionally, as I'm a student, and I've been having to cut back on my food budget... But still, I'm really panicky about the prospect of thyroid cancer, or some kind of cancer. Too terrified to even Google it

Any support/advice would much appreciated right now