Hi all. Merry Christmas and a happy New year!

I've struggled with alcohol abuse over the past 4 years..occasionally going on a binge or bender and suffering horrible hangovers/withdrawal symptoms

Now from xmas eve to boxing day (26th) I drank way too much. So much so that I felt like I was having withdrawals as a result.

These have gone away now but I've got this constant shaky, week feeling all over my body, particularly hands and legs.

I'm absolutely terrified this time I've damaged my nervous system, brain or muscles permanently and that this tremor/shakiness will now be a constant thing

I keep praying it will be gone in the morning but each morning I wake up and it's still There, coupled with the anxiety about it. I may be hyperfocussing on It, but it doesnt seem like I'm exaggerating it because I can actually see my fingers vibrating and I feel like my coordination when picking things up etc is a bit weak.

Any reassurance that I haven't totally F***** myself up would be very appreciated.... I'm trying to be cheerful for my family on new year but I can't help worrying about the shaking thing. Will it go away? Thanks in advance.

32, female.