
I'm joining the conversation a bit late but just wanted to say this thread has made me feel loads better! Thank you guys!

I've always been anxious, but 3.5yrs ago I had a major melt down and lived in a constant panic attack for several months. It was the most horrendous time of my life. I have since worked tirelessly to beat it, determined never to take meds. I've faced my challenges, volunteered myself to do things, pushed myself all the way (not jumping out of a plane or anything extreme just living life! - completing courses at work, signing up for Uni, making myself more social, talking the kids into London - on my own!). I was still living with my anxiety everyday but kicking its butt!

However, it had been a extremely stressful year. Major house renovation on the go, I increased my Uni hours to go full time instead of part time and I already have 4 kids and a job! I suppose it was expected but just before xmas, out of nowhere I had a panic attack. It was the run up to xmas so pretty stressful, I work in a school and Dec is carnage. I was pretty pleased with myself that id held it together, pulled of a class nativity and prepared for xmas. Then... day after boxing day I get flu, not just any flu, the mother of all flus... I was officially dying.
My anxiety went through the roof, I stopped sleeping and didn't feel like eating much of anything.

I now feel like I'm crawling through life. I'm a bit down on myself, majorly lacking positivity right now and when I'm feeling low and un-positive I struggle to deal with my anxiety and panic. But reading your threads has reminded me where I was 6 months ago, how far I had come. I know I feel cruddy right now but I've gotten through it before and I'll do it again.

Any tips for bringing back the positivity and good moods greatly appreciated!!!

Sending good luck to you all on your journey. We've got this!