Hiya, its me Jem27 but ive registered a new name, sorry for any confusion but I had to for personal reasons.

Anway I saw my GP again yesterday who said it was viral, my chest was aching, my ears were sore, head was banging but still no sign of infection so I was sent home to rest, yeh right, with 3 kids

This morning I woke up with green coming out of my left nostril (sorry) pain in my left cheek, tooth ache on left side, even more glands up down left side of throat and behing ear, I felt awful. I wouldn't normally ring the emergency out of hours GP but I did for advice, it was my sons birthday party today. I was told it sounded like infection especially as id not got better all week, infact I felt worse than ever today and yesterday so as the dr was very busy there today he left me a prescription of 500mg amoxicilling to take for a week.

Is the infection likely to clear up on the antibiotics? I have heard sinus infections are hard to shift. I have felt so drained this week, im desperate to feel well again.

I use to think I had sinus trouble, use to get pain in the sinus areas, had 3 lots of anti bs last year for it and an CT scan and all was clear!!! was all tension and stress causing it, amazing. I now know though how painful and what exactly a sinus infection feels like, its grim

I use to worry alot about the risks of meningitis and sinus infections but im pretty chilled out about that im just happy now im on medication and hopefully I will get well soon. Will the anti bs still work even though I took them in September & october last year for 'sinus infections' I hope so.

Sorry to ramble on, hope everyone is feeling ok.